The Hand of Acceleration

The Watchman on the wall heard a sound in the night watch. The voice said, “The Hand is on the Wind.” Things are not winding down they are winding up. Things are going to accelerate. Events, happenings, changes both natural and in the spirit are going to speed up. Like the hand on the city siren increasing in rotation speed getting louder and louder. Will everyone hear it’s sound? I do not know. But what is the cause for alarm?

Luke 17:28 states, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. Eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building is easy to get caught up in. There are those in this hour that are watching God while the world is watching them. But the watchers of men are really asleep while the watchers of God are the ones awake.

I had a dream that two people were in a building talking. The one walked out towards the back of the shed or building and noticed a deer in the distance. Upon further inspection the individual noticed just behind the building and much closer to them was a large tree stomp which had become a cougar den. This person spotted cougars going in and out from the den. The individual ran back to tell their partner about the danger as though to protect them and escape.

Moments after taking their eyes off of the other person wanting to help them escape he or she disappeared into thin air and couldn’t be found. The first individual was frantic calling out their name yelling out the danger and trying to locate the other individual to escape together. He or she could not be found. The cougars now were crouching down in the shelter itself and closing in on the first individual. I believe the second individual disappeared and was taken up. The first individual did not know what happened to them and could not find them, anywhere.

Is it true the hand is on the wind? Is the sound of the siren being heard in acceleration? Are you preparing your heart and on alert in your spirit? Only you can determine that.

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